Financial Support: The Mobility Grant

The EU Commission supports your participation in the Erasmus+ programme with a mobility grant. This grant will be awarded automatically, there is no need for a separate application for funding.

Please note: Erasmus only calculates with 30 days/month! Erasmus+ funding will most likely be limited to 3.5 months in the 2025/26 academic year.
The amount of financial support is generally based on the different costs of living in the destination countries. Since the 2024/25 academic year, the following scholarship regulations apply:


Countries of group 1 (600 EUR per month and 20 EUR per additional day)

Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom

Countries of group 2 and group 3 (540 EUR per month and 18 EUR per additional day)

Cyprus, Czech Republic, Estonia, Greece, Latvia, Malta, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain

Bulgaria, Croatia, Hungary, Lithuania, Poland, Republic of North Macedonia, Romania, Serbia, Turkey


Travel allowance

In addition to the monthly rates, you will receive a fixed travel allowance calculated according to the distance between Magdeburg and your mobility destination. The distance is standardised using the European Commission's  distance calculator. The amount of the travel allowance depends on whether you use environmentally friendly means of transport (green travel) or not. Approved means of transport are bus or train as well as car pooling. In case you use multiple means of transportation, the main mean of transportation with the largest share of the travel distance is applicable. The following amounts are reimbursed per stay and depending on the distance:

distance standard travel green travel
10 - 99 km 28 EUR 56 EUR
100 - 499 km 211 EUR 285 EUR
500 - 1.999 km 309 EUR 417 EUR
2.000 - 2.999 km 395 EUR 535 EUR
3.000 - 3.999 km 580 EUR 785 EUR
4.000 - 7.999 km 1,188 EUR 1,188 EUR
8.000 km or more 1,735 EUR 1,735 EUR


Payment of the Erasmus+ scholarship

The 1st instalment of the scholarship will be paid by bank transfer to your bank account when

- the digital Learning Agreement has been signed by all parties.
- the Grant Agreement with your original signature has been submitted to the International Office.
- the ‘Confirmation of Arrival and Registration’ of the Stay Confirmation has been received by the International Office.

Payment is made in two instalments. The majority of the funding (1st instalment) is paid before the mobility. After the mobility, the Stay Confirmation is used to determine the total duration of the stay, for which funding is paid to the exact day (up to a maximum of 3.5 months).

Students who do not successfully accomplish their Erasmus+ stay abroad including examinations, will be obliged to pay back the Erasmus+ grant.


Tax information on the Erasmus+ grant

The Erasmus+ grant and associated terms are agreed upon in the ERASMUS Grant Agreement, which the OVGU International Office concludes with nominated students. The payment of the Erasmus+ grant precludes parallel funding from another EU programme.  Parallel funding from a German agency or organization, for example from a scholarship foundation or Auslands-BAföG, may be possible and must be disclosed to the International Office.

Erasmus scholarships are mobility scholarships from public funds of the European Commission in the Federal Republic of Germany according to §3 No.44a EStG and are therefore tax-exempt.

Furthermore, scholarships from the EU's Erasmus programme do not reduce the education allowances under § 33a para. 2 EStG (judgement of 17.10.2001 [III R 3/01], Federal Fiscal Court in Munich).

In principle, however, an Erasmus scholarship must be reported to your respective tax office, to your child benefit fund and to your health insurance fund.


Tax recording and declaration obligations

Scholarship recipients must fulfil their own tax recording and declaration obligations with regard to income from Erasmus+ towards the tax authorities (§ 12 MV).

Last Modification: 13.01.2025 - Contact Person: Webmaster