General information on the student notification procedure of the statutory health insurance funds
In accordance with Section 199a of the Social Security Code (SGB) Part V, the health insurance funds and the universities are obliged to provide health insurance information to one another.
The existing paper-based proof of insurance is being replaced at Otto von Guericke University by a paperless, automatic student reporting process. Therefore, from January, 1st 2022 it will no longer be possible to register on paper.
The following notifications will be exchanged automatically between the health insurance funds and the universities:
The health insurance funds will report the following to the university:
- insurance status
- commencement of insurance in the event of a change of health insurance fund
- health insurance contribution payment arrears
- settlement of outstanding health insurance contributions
The university will report the following to the health insurance funds:
- start of studies and date of enrollment
- end of the semester during which or with effect from the end of which the student was/will be exmatriculated