Legal Basis
The possibilities and requirements for e-examinations at the OVGU are currently fundamentally regulated by the "General Regulations for Study Programmes at the OVGU" (Only available in OVGU network and in German language.) which have already been issued by the OVGU Senate for the summer semester 2020. All examination formats listed in the SPOs that do not have to be carried out in presence can be considered as alternative examination formats besides electronic examinations. An exception is the oral presence examination (individual examination).
The following points must always be observed when conducting the examination:
Principle of equal opportunities
The legal principles of a fair examination procedure must also be observed when conducting electronic examinations.
Checking the identity of the candidate
An electronic examination requires a sufficiently doubtless identification of the examinee, in particular to ensure equal opportunities and to effectively and emphatically counteract attempts at cheating in a suitable manner. In the case of oral examinations via video systems, for example, this can be done by the candidate holding a photo ID in front of the webcam.
Data processing
When processing personal data and using electronic platforms (e.g. Moodle), the data protection regulations of the German Data Protection Regulation (DSGVO) must be observed.
Further information will follow. (Status January 20th, 2021)
Examination conditions
The examinee must be informed about the technical and organisational requirements/conditions (hardware, software, stable Internet connection) for the proper conduct of the examination. Before the examination, the examinee must have the opportunity to try out the examination situation in terms of technology, equipment and the (virtual) spatial environment. If the examination format is changed, the students must be informed of the change up to 2 weeks before the examination date. Recordings of electronic oral examinations are not permitted.