What former Erasmus Students Say About Their Experience ...
Marlene, Cultural Engineering, University of Lodz/Poland
"My stay abroad has given me unforgettable experiences, the chance to meet new people while making new friends from around the world and the opportunity to take classes advancing me personally very much. I would repeat my stay abroad anytime and can recommend this opportunity wholeheartedly to everyone in the position to go abroad."
Livia, International Business and Economics, University of Málaga/Spain
"Thanks to my Erasmus semester, I now have friends all over the world and can feel at home wherever I go. And this is only a small part of all the wonderful experiences. As the Erasmus Students Network in Spain tells you: 'Erasmus changes your life!'"
Henrike, Philosophy-Neuroscience-Cognition, Charles University/Czech Republic
"I was wondering which picture would serve best as a summary of my six months in Prague and I couldn't decide. I was also wonderung what to write in order to describe my time in Prague and couldn't find the right words. This is where I realized how much I had experienced and how great my exchange semestester was for me. I got to know so many new perspectives - on a new city, on my studies, on me and my future. I understand now how much I want to return to Prague which has become 'my hood.'"
Mareen, Informatik, Uppsala University/Sweden
"My time abroad was an eventful and wonderful time in which I got to know traditions, culture and other international students within the diverse, multinational student life."
Lars, Wirtschaftsingenieur Maschinenbau, University of Tampere (UC Pori)/Finland
"A semester abroad provides the perfect opportunity to break out of your usual study environment and to meet new people and cultures. Because you can transfer many credit points you can advance your studies without losing time."
Lisa, Internationales Management, Lappeenranta University of Technology/Finland
"Experience magical nights - during a semester in Finland."
Johanna, Wirtschaftsingenieur Logistik, University of Tampere (UC Pori)/Finland
"The exchange term has granted me many new impressions and experiences that will enrich my life both studywise and personally. It has given me the change to get to know a different country intensivelly and to connect with people I would not have wanted to miss."
Lisa, Internationales Management, Lappeenranta University of Technology/Finland
"Ich kann euch ein Auslandssemester nur ans Herz legen. Ich habe nicht nur unheimlich schnell neue und vor allem tolle Freunde kennengelernt, sondern auch super viele Erfahrungen gemacht. Neues Land, neue Kultur und neue Uni. Es lohnt sich!"
Keito, International Management, Marketing, Entrepreneurship, University of Ljubljana/Slovenia
"I fell in love with sLOVEnia! This small country has so much diverse nature to offer and a really beautiful capital, which looks like a small version of Vienna."
Imke, Psychology, University of Oviedo/Spain
"I have made friends wh people from around the world und have learned a lot about me and Europe."
Phillip, Sports Technology, University of Zagreb/Croatia
"You can grow together with strangers from completely different countries and cultures just as if it is meant to be this way."
Caterina, Cultural Engineering, The University of Nottingham/United Kingdom
"Great Britain is so much more than Brexit - it means a completely new experience, great universities with stunning campusses, a new culture, breathtaking nature and friends for life from all over the world. I would not have wanted to miss out on these memories for anything in the world. An exchange programme does not only mean a few months in your life, but rather a whole new life within a few months."
Gwen, Sports Technology, Lithuanian Sports University/Lithuania
"I was able to come to know great people, cultures and places."
Lukas, Integrated Design Engineering, Budapest University of Technology and Economics/Hungary
"My exchange term in Budapest was an incredibly intense time and I was able to gain so much for my studies. During my time in Hungary I got to know unfamiliar cultures, met new friends and enjoyed myself a lot."
Mareike, Integrated Design Engineering, Budapest University of Technology and Economics/Hungary
"Studying abroad teaches everybody a healthy dose of self-confidence, curiosity about the world and awareness for things that are taken for granted at home."
Anne, Eductional Science, Oslo and Akershus University College of Applied Sciences/Norway
"No way like Norway!"
Saskia, International Management, Marketing, Entrepreneurship, University of Tampere (UC Pori)/Finland
"One can only fully grasp the vast expanse of Finland, its dark winter months and the everyday coping mechanisms developed by the Finnish people if you have lived there yourself. Mastering the balancing act between your home and your new life, broadening your own horizon while experiencing this very special dialogue about culture, university and life with people from all over Europe - that's what makes an Erasmus term so very unique. The Finnish love the endless vastness of their country which is not only reflected in freetime activities but also in teaching at university. I won't ever forget either - the magic of a freezing cold polar night or the classes leading us to a permanent nuclear waste repository one day and to the local start up the next - that's completely normal in Finland."
Marie, Vocational Education and Management, University of Pécs/Hungary
"I would re-embark on my Erasmus semester at any time. On my picture, we are in Siklós on one of the manifold trips organized by the European Student Network. I can warmly recomment the Erasmus programme to everyone who wants to experience a new culture while finding friends for life."
Levin, Business Economics, Marmara University/Turkey
"If you get bored in Istanbul, it's at your very own fault."
Tobias, Cultural Engineering, Université de Picardie Jules Verne/France
"My time in Amiens has granted me many unique moments. I improved my French, met great people from various countries and gained insight into French culture. Amiens with its rich cultural landscape and its special atmosphere has left its mark on me. My semester abroad and the experiences gained in this time will stay with me for a very long time to come."