Dr. Uwe Genetzke

Dr. Uwe Genetzke
Head of Department
International Office (K6)
International Office (K6)
Universitätsplatz 2,
39106 Magdeburg,
Campus Welcome Center (Building 01), Room 104
Dr. Genetzke is the Head of the International Office.
Further responsibilities:
- Head of the Office for Erasmus Traineeships Saxony-Anhalt
- Coordination and planning of international, bilateral and multilateral programmes for OVGU faculties and central departments
- Coordination and maintenance of all international relations between OVGU and international institutions
- Budget management of internal funding for the mobility of students, lecturers and staff as well as summer schools and placements abroad
- Officer responsible for the Ostpartnerschaften (Partnerships with Universities of the East), i.DEAR, and PRIME programmes
- Coordinator for Cotutelle theses
For you available:
by appointment