Entrance Assessment (for Applications to Bachelor's Degree Courses)


If your school degree does not grant you access to higher education in Germany, you have to attend a Studienkolleg first. It prepares you for studies in Germany as it provides both language and subject-related. Hence, it provides the necessary prerequisites for successful university studies including the needed German skills.

The Studienkolleg concludes with the so-called assessment test (Feststellungsprüfung). The exam is usually taken after completing one year of a Studienkolleg’s specialisation courses.

The following specialisation courses are assigned to the study programmes at the Studienkolleg:

  • Economics and social science degree programmes: W-course,
  • technical, mathematical and natural science degree programmes: T-course,
  • medical and biological degree programmes: M-course,
  • humanities and linguistics degree programmes: G/S-course.

Your allocation to a specialisation course is based on the programme you intend to study at the university. Before you can attend the Studienkolleg, you have to take an entrance exam which tests your German language skills (prerequisite for application: B2) and basic knowledge in regarding the chosen specialisation / subject. The entrance exam is usually taken in mid-August (for the winter semester) and mid-February (for the summer semester).

The Federal State of Saxony-Anhalt has a state preparatory college (Landesstudienkolleg), which is organised by the Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg and the Anhalt University of Applied Sciences (FH).

Additionally, there are also three other private Studienkollegs in Magdeburg. Please mind that these might have more flexible courses but are also more costly. You can apply to the Studienkollegs directly:

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