First steps before studying

With the joy of being accepted to study, many questions arise: What happens now? How can I best prepare for my studies? In the following article, prospective students will find an overview of everything that needs to be done before they start their studies.
Finding a flat in Magdeburg.

Finding a flat in Magdeburg

If you're moving to a new city, it's a good idea to find out about the districts. Here you will find a list of the different districts in Magdeburg. Next, you can choose between a sociable WG life or a quiet private home. While a WG often already has some furniture, household appliances and internet, your own flat is more of a challenge. If you have decided to get your own place for the first time, these could be your first steps:Make an appointment for the Bürgerbüro

  • The re-registration of your main residence must take place within 2 weeks.
  • Search for an electricity provider
  • Look for an internet provider
  • Pay attention to GEZ payments
  • Purchase various household appliances: Kitchen utensils, washing machine & Co.

But even when you move into a shared flat, there are a few things to consider - apart from the obligatory re-registration:

  • Clarify what the previous tenant is taking with him and what you have to buy new.
  • Calculate pro rata payments for internet, electricity and household expenses.
  • Plan your move well in advance and make arrangements with your flatmates.

Plan your student finances

Once you have been accepted to study, you have the opportunity to apply for BAföG (Federal Training Assistance Act). At the university, the Studentenwerk Magdeburg provides assistance with BAföG. Student part-time jobs of up to 20 hours a week are also possible - but you should be aware of how much free time you allow yourself, especially in the first semesters. Students can also find out about student loans or scholarships. The University of Magdeburg offers counselling opportunities for this on campus.
Exploring the campus.

Exploring the campus

Once you arrive in the city, you can grab a campus map and take a walk around the university grounds: You will notice important contact points such as the library, the Campus Service Centre, the refectory and the cafés. Maybe you already know which building will be the main venue for your events. These can also be scouted out already.

Visit the university library

To find out where you can find what literature in the library and what services are offered, a visit to the university library is recommended. Especially at the beginning of the semester, the staff offer guided tours of the University Library. To activate your library access (student card), you can contact the staff at the counters in the library. The library is often visited together with other students during the introductory days. This way, you will learn everything you need to know about using the library right at the beginning.

Planning the introductory days

The introductory days at Magdeburg University provide first-year students with the best possible preparation for their studies. At the events, you can ask both students and lecturers questions that are still unclear to you. It's also the best way to get to know future fellow students and quickly make friends. In addition to information on the study process, university life and timetabling, first-year students visit the central facilities on campus and get to know the city of Magdeburg and its nightlife.

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