alphabetically sorted calls for proposal
Clinic partnerships "Global" funding line
The funding programme Clinic Partnerships - Partners Strengthen Health supports partnership projects between German health sector organisations and partner institutions in low- and middle-income countries...
Data Reuse - Additional funds for the preparation of research data (Volkswagen Stiftung)
With its programme "Data Reuse - Additional Funds for the Processing of Research Data", the Volkswagen Foundation supports researchers in preparing and making available this research data in a suitable, publicly accessible, and ideally certified repository in accordance with the good quality standards customary in the respective discipline...
Disruptive Innovation (SPRIN-D)
A leap innovation is an innovation that permanently changes our lives for the better. It can create a completely new market, fundamentally change an existing market to create an entirely new ecosystem, or solve a massive technological, social or environmental problem...
MOE-Fellowship (Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt)
The MOE Fellowship supports university graduates from Central and Eastern Europe...
National Cycling Plan: non-investment measures (Bundesministerium für Digitales und Verkehr)
The bicycle stands for individual, sustainable, resilient, health-promoting, time-flexible and cost-effective mobility in everyday life and leisure. To this end, a new strategy for cycling in Germany, the National Cycling Plan 3.0 Cycling in Germany 2030 (NRVP 3.0), defines the fields of action and targets up to the year 2030...
Deadline: 01.08.2023