Looking back at the graduation ceremony 2023

On November 25, 2023, the farewell ceremony for graduates of the Otto-von-Guericke-University Magdeburg took place at the AMO Kulturhaus. This year, we said goodbye to more than 2,080 graduates from the class of 2022/23 who successfully completed their academic journey. The diversity of this class was reflected in the composition of the graduates, of whom slightly less than half were women. Together they represented over 60 nations, united by the desire for knowledge and the pursuit of success.

The farewell ceremony for the graduating class of 2023/24 will take place on Saturday, November 30, 2024. Save the date in your calendars!

Honoring the best graduates

As in the previous year, the best graduates were also honored this time. In the presence of their families and friends, a total of 18 young men and women were personally honored by the Rector and the Deans of Studies for their outstanding achievements and commitment as the best graduates in their faculty.

Here you can find an overview of the best graduates of the faculties in 2023.

Freude bei der feierlichen Auszeichnung als Beste Absolventin ©Jana Dünnhaupt

Delight at the award ceremony for the best graduate (photo: Jana Dünnhaupt | Uni Magdeburg)


Impressions of the decentralized graduation ceremonies 2023

The day began with the decentralized farewell ceremonies of the Faculties of Computer Science, Electrical Engineering and Information Technology, Mechanical Engineering and Economics and Management. They gave the graduates the opportunity to celebrate their graduation in an intimate setting and to be proud of their own achievements.
At the moving farewell ceremony for the graduates of the Faculty of Computer Science, the audience was filled with feelings of deep pride and overwhelming joy at their graduation.

Dezentrale Absolventenverabschiedung der FIN ©Anna Friese

Joy over the successful graduation at the decentralized graduation ceremony of the Faculty of Computer Science (photo: Anna Friese | Uni Magdeburg)

The Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology said goodbye to its graduates with a fitting musical setting to celebrate their achievements and wished them all the best for their future.

Musikalische Untermalung der Absolventenverabschiedung der FEIT ©Jana Dünnhaupt

Musical setting for the decentralized graduation ceremony of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology (photo: Jana Dünnhaupt | Uni Magdeburg)

Zeugnisübergabe bei der dezentralen Absolventenverabschiedung der FEIT ©Jana Dünnhaupt

Happy graduate at the certificate acceptance ceremony of the decentralized FEIT graduation ceremony (photo: Jana Dünnhaupt | Uni Magdeburg)

In a festive ceremony at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, graduates were handed their degree certificates in festive robes. The graduates experienced a unique tradition that does not exist at any other faculty at the University of Magdeburg - a special ceremony for this important milestone.

Begrüßung der Absolvent_innen der FMB ©Jana Dünnhaupt

Welcoming the graduates at the decentralized graduation ceremony of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering 2023 (photo: Jana Dünnhaupt | Uni Magdeburg)

Gruppenfoto der Master-AbsolventInnen der FMB ©Jana Dünnhaupt

Group photo of the graduates of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering 2023 (photo: Jana Dünnhaupt | Uni Magdeburg)

At the decentralized graduation ceremony of the Faculty of Economics and Management, this year's farewell gift from the University of Magdeburg was used directly for the traditional toss of the graduation cap. A wonderful end to such an eventful, exciting and formative time!

AbsolventInnen der Fakultät für Wirtschaftswissenschaft werfen traditionell die Absolventenkappe in die Luft ©Jana Dünnhaupt

Graduates of the Faculty of Economics and Management traditionally throw their graduation cap in the air (photo: Jana Dünnhaupt | Uni Magdeburg)

Impressions of the official graduation ceremony 2023

In the evening, the university's official farewell party was held at the AMO Kulturhaus, which began with a speech by the rector and spread a sense of pride among the graduates. In addition to good food and delicious drinks, there was also a lot more for the graduates to discover. The raffle, for example, not only aroused the ambition to win something, but also served a good cause: all proceeds generated by the lottery tickets that evening benefited the Otto-von-Guericke-University's Germany Scholarship. This showed that saying goodbye does not only mean the end, but also a new beginning - a contribution for the future graduates.
But the graduation ceremony in 2023 was also musically inspiring. The live band RadioNation provided the musical framework for an evening full of dancing and enjoyment. The additional offer of a photo box enabled the new graduates to keep the evening alive for years to come and capture the memories.
All in all, it was a successful event and we wish our graduates all the best for the future, whether in their working lives or continuing their studies.

Festhalten von Erinnerungen mit der Fotobox ©Anna Friese

Capturing memories with the photo box (photo: Anna Friese | Uni Magdeburg)

Gute Laune auf der Tanzfläche bei der Absolventenverabschiedung 2023

Good vibes on the dance floor at the 2023 graduation ceremony (photo: Anna Friese | Uni Magdeburg)

Für groovige Live-Musik sorgte die -Band bei der Absolventenverabschiedung 2023 ©Anna Friese
The live band RadioNation created a really good atmosphere on the dance floor at the 2023 graduation ceremony (photo: Anna Friese | Uni Magdeburg)

If you would like to stay in touch with your fellow students and the university, become part of our alumni network! Simply contact us at 

Last Modification: 10.05.2024 - Contact Person: Katrin Burgmann